Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions: It Might Be Too Late for Bernie Madoff, But Not for StreetBrains!

Not everyone believes in resolutions. As it is, a lot of people are too busy to make changes - too stuck in their ways to lead a more positive personal and professional life. Some people think resolutions are cliche and insignificant. But after this year, wouldn't it be a good idea to introduce something new? I'm sure there's a few people in our industry who will probably resolve to add a bit more due diligence to their operations. In the end, there's always something we can do - setting goals, making changes, being more careful.

At StreetBrains, we started early. We've been working on our resolutions for months as we've been looking to bring the right kind of change to Wall Street at a time it needs it most.

We've resolved to improve our research offering. More analysts, more information - a pipeline of research providers that is making StreetBrains the largest and most diverse research portal.

We've resolved to make it easy. Our old site was good, but now it's better. Information catered to your tastes. No one goes to a steakhouse to see a vegetarian menu. Why should your user experience on our website be any different? Want to see research on telecommunications? Get it directly without having to comb a jungle of information.

We've also resolved to be the best. We don't want to be that company that reminds you of some other company in the Wall Street research space. We want to be unique and we want your experience on our site to be unique. StreetBrains is filling a void. As we see it, we are setting a new standard. We've resolved to build a new platform for investors that is best of breed.

We welcome you to be a part of our resolutions.